The young entrepreneur Iruri Knörr (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1979) will become part of the Advisory Board of our digital magazine, joining the rest of the board members who were already incorporated since its beginning this past July 18.
Over these past years, Iruri Knörr has become a reference in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship. She graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of the Basque Country and the Universität Hamburg and holds a Master in Marketing Management from ESEIC. After gaining experience in other companies she is currently Chief Marketing Officer of the start-ups accelerator Ideateca and mobile gaming and technology company HTML5 Ludei located in San Francisco, California. She is also Chief Executive Officer of the company Nolatan Ecommerce.

Iruri Knörr
Basque Tribune thanks Iruri Knörr for her willingness to contribute to our magazine and help it become a window of the Basque Country open to the world. We are confident that her knowledge and experience will be crucial in achieving this goal.
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