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4 Comments on "You can help us"

  1. My father played soccer with the Basque team that went through Europe during the Spain civil war ( 1936 – 1939 ) and later in America, I have photographs and you tube

  2. IKER URQUIOLA | October 9, 2017 at 18:58 | Reply

    I have some photographs and articles of the famous Basque soccer tem that I want to share with BT

  3. Hi Iker,
    Thank you very much for your messages. The history of the Basque soccer team that played in exile during the Spanish Civil War certainly is fascinating. We have already commissioned a story on this topic, so that our readers can learn more about it. We will be in touch with you about the photographs and articles regarding your father’s team, which you have saved.
    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards,

  4. Are you saying only jai-alai courts can be called frontons? The indoor Anduiza pala court in Boise, Idaho is “fronton”, no? Even though not a jai-alai court. – Melissa in Boise

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